Archivio tag: Nurse Science

Considerazioni Infermieristiche Come Complemento Alle Linee Guida “Surviving Sepsis Campaign”

Letture Consigliate

Nurse Science

From Critical Care Medicine

Nursing Considerations to Complement the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines

Leanne M. Aitken, RN, PhD, FRCNA; Ged Williams, RN, MHA; Maurene Harvey, RN, MPH; Stijn Blot, RN, Cc, RN, MNSc, PhD; Ruth Kleinpell, RN, PhD; Sonia Labeau, RN, MNSc; Andrea Marshall, RN, PhD; Gillian Ray-Barruel, RN, Grad Cert ICU Nursing, BA (Hons); Patricia A. Moloney-Harmon, RN, MS, CCNS, FAAN; Wayne Robson, RN, MSc; Alexander P. Johnson, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, CCNS, CCRN; Pang Nguk Lan, RN, MSc; Tom Ahrens, RN, DNS, FAAN

Critical Care Medicine, July 2011


Objectives: To provide a series of recommendations based on the best available evidence to guide clinicians providing nursing care to patients with severe sepsis.
Design: Modified Delphi method involving international experts and key individuals in subgroup work and electronic-based discussion among the entire group to achieve consensus.
Methods: We used the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines as a framework to inform the structure and content of these guidelines. We used the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to rate the quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength of recommendations, with grade 1 indicating clear benefit in the septic population and grade 2 indicating less confidence in the benefits in the septic population. In areas without complete agreement between all authors, a process of electronic discussion of all evidence was undertaken until consensus was reached. This process was conducted independently of any funding.
Results: Sixty-three recommendations relating to the nursing care of severe sepsis patients are made. Prevention recommendations relate to education, accountability, surveillance of nosocomial infections, hand hygiene, and prevention of respiratory, central line-related, surgical site, and urinary tract infections, whereas infection management recommendations related to both control of the infection source and transmission-based precautions. Recommendations related to initial resuscitation include improved recognition of the deteriorating patient, diagnosis of severe sepsis, seeking further assistance, and initiating early resuscitation measures. Important elements of hemodynamic support relate to improving both tissue oxygenation and macrocirculation. Recommendations related to supportive nursing care incorporate aspects of nutrition, mouth and eye care, and pressure ulcer prevention and management. Pediatric recommendations relate to the use of antibiotics, steroids, vasopressors and inotropes, fluid resuscitation, sedation and analgesia, and the role of therapeutic end points.
Conclusion: Consensus was reached regarding many aspects of nursing care of the severe sepsis patient. Despite this, there is an urgent need for further evidence to better inform this area of critical care.

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Racconti a Margine: “Tutto In Una Stanza” di A. Barbierato

Racconti a Margine

“Tutto In Una Stanza”

di Antonella Barbierato

Infermiera Profesionale presso la TI

Cardiochirurgica dell’Ospedale di


… “La tua storia si mescola alla storia di tutti i “cuori violati” presenti nella stanza della terapia intensiva, si mescola alla storia di un’infermiera dal volto stanco che ti osserva, ti scruta, ti accompagna nel tuo sforzo di tornare alla luce.”…

Per Continuare a Leggere Clicca qui, N°17, Racconti a Margine, Giugno 2011

Nurse Science: “I Motivi Per Scegliere La Simulazione Come Strumento Di Apprendimento In Sanita’

Articolo Scientifico

Nurse Science

“I Motivi Per Scegliere La Simulazione Come Strumento Di Apprendimento In Sanita’


di S.Egman*, S.Giammona*, F.Marchese*, G.Cappello*;

*Nurse Educator ISMETT Palermo

“All’interno del percorso formativo del personale sanitario, oltre all’acquisizione di conoscenze teoriche, c’è sempre stata la formazione sul campo. Prima dell’istituzione di percorsi basati sulla simulazione questo significava imparare direttamente a “spese” del paziente, che inconsapevole fungeva, e in molti casi funge ancora, da cavia per studenti e tirocinanti, affinché questi potessero apprendere tecnicamente le procedure assistenziali e cliniche. Tutti noi, operatori sanitari, ci siamo in un qualche modo serviti dei pazienti per fare pratica, acquisire manualità e perfezionare le nostre performance di esecuzione di procedure, dalle più semplici alle più complesse….”

…Per continuare a Leggere Clicca qui, N°17, Nurse Science, Giugno 2011