News Video
Fukushima Rimarrà Inabitabile Per Almeno 20 Anni
L’area di Fukushima, devastata dal terremoto e dallo Tsunami e altamente radioattiva, rimarrà inabitabile per almeno vent’anni. L’oscura previsione è di uno dei collaboratori del premier Naoto Kan, Kenichi Matsumoto.
da Euronews
It’s great to read smeothing that’s both enjoyable and provides pragmatisdc solutions.
Br. Ed,I love your dedication and Spirit! I just watechd the three videos you guys made. Fantastic! We met a few years ago at LLI in St. Louis or Chicago. My name is Paul Miller and I teach Religion at Totino-Grace High School in Fridley, Minnesota. Your passion for young people and social justice inspire me. Keep up the great work!Paul